I love love stories.  And as we all know, in every love story, there’s always a problem with the two main characters, the lovers, involved in the romance.  Usually, it’s their parents (the families) who don’t like one another.  Who hate each other over a misunderstanding that happened years ago.  So true to life is this, for I have seen it myself.  Human nature–the sound and the fury thereof!  The classic that comes to everyone’s mind is, of course, Romeo and Juliet!  Such a tragic love story.  Certainly, artwork to learn by–on many levels.  

   Another trope  I tend to find in a love story is where the woman, at first, hates the man she ends up falling in love with.  Or vice versa.   Though in today’s society, who’s to say the woman can’t be the pursuer?  Right?   This is where one character must work extra hard to change the mind of the other character, not only change their mind but actually make them fall in love with them.  That is quite a feat.  A lot of work!  And it is because of challenges such as this, to make a believable story out of the complexity of human emotions, that I decided to try my hand at being an author.  I love complexity . . . especially that of the human psyche!

   I have been entertained by many such stories in the past, yet there was always something in them that made me say, “I would have done that differently.”  Always did I find a plot flaw, or at the very least, something that wasn’t explained well enough.  Always something, something, something!  

  Now, one of my favorite love stories is the classic movie Pretty Woman.  How a sex worker and a wealthy gentleman meet and fall in love.  Why not?  I remember being so entertained by the character changes–as was everyone–the growth of the characters in the story.    Richard Geer was phenomenal in this romantic comedy.  To me, he played the perfect gentleman while Julia Roberts, well, what can I say.  She’s gorgeous!  J F Lawton’s work in that picture totally enthralled me, and millions of other fans.  

   And so, with inspirations such as these, I decided to blend only the two types mentioned here (never do either of my characters in Denial hate one another) and build my own storyline.  Then, of course, there are subplots within the story, several deep, perhaps even dark twists to the plot, but mainly there is a love story here, perhaps even several love stories going in different directions.  This, along with triumph and justice and a splash of disgraceful characters you’ll just love to hate, I feel Denial has enough going on within its pages to keep even the most jaded of readers entertained.  It has the love story aspect I have long been aiming toward, along with a heavy dose of psychological drama, allowing the novel to span a couple of top genres for women readers.