Remington Arquette
My Story
As a first-time author, I want to put into words a forbidden love story, one where a long passed tragic event touches the lives of a great many people. In my years of reading experience, I have noticed that all love stories have conflict written into them, pulling the reader into a state of emotional unrest. In my writings, I look to express my own passions and internal prisons, connecting to my audience a story ultimately resolved with smiles, laughter, and hugs that brings tears to the eyes of everyone who reads it.
My name is Remington Arquette, and I was born and raised on Long Island. I have so many fond memories of childhood, of my brothers, and especially of my grandfather, who is no longer with us. I loved him so much I don’t think I could love anyone as much as I loved him. My family is very large, and we’d always go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for all the holidays. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles were always there, and my grandma would spend the day cooking while the children played in their big backyard, Grandpa always watching over us.
When I went away to college, to Brooklyn, my eyes were further opened to this complicated world of ours. It was the first time I was ever away from my family, and the time I spent there in the classroom, in my dorm room, working on the school paper, or just hanging out with friends, made the days pass so quickly that it seemed my education was only ever a dream. I miss those days; I truly do.
After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I scraped by, working part-time in and around the New York City area promoting small bands, selling merchandise at their venues, or even helping to set up their equipment. I met so many nice and interesting people while I worked those gigs, all the while searching for a career. I did one day come home to a message telling me that my schooling had paid off, that I’d been offered a job at a software firm, and so I grabbed the opportunity and have been running with it since.
All during this time, since I was back in Middle School, I’d always kept a journal. Since the age of twelve, every day of my life is documented with at least a sentence as to what happened on such and such a date. It’s magical to open those notebooks and take a walk down memory lane. And it was because of my passion for writing—and reading—that several years ago I decided to author a book, one that would not only challenge my abilities as a writer, but would positively enthral anyone who was to ever happen upon it! I would use personality snippets of people I’ve known over the years to build my characters, this while positioning small pieces of myself into the complex mosaics of those very same characters.
Not a day goes by that I don’t write something, for I cannot experience anything without putting that experience into my own words—that’s where journaling comes in. I look at life from many different perspectives and am able to sympathize with almost anyone’s outlook on matters. I guess that’s one of the reasons I feel compelled to write. And so, write, I will!